Investment Criteria

Women CEOs get only about 2.3 percent of all venture capital.
  1. We only invest in IT startups primarily.

  2. We only invest in innovative technological start-ups in agriculture, art, energy, entertainment, media, real estate and technology.

  3. We only invest in technical development as a technical co-founder. We are ready to invest 50% of the money raised.

  4. We only invest in companies with reasonable valuations reflecting a realistic assessment of the company's progress to date and money/efforts that have been invested.

  5. We only invest in companies that are capital efficient and can scale quickly without a lot of additional capital.

  6. We only invest in companies which have secured 50% of their cash capital from investors or private savings.

  7. We have preference for companies whose model has been validated locally.

  • We have preferences for companies which have more than one co-founder.

  • We have a preference for companies which have larger founding teams.